We take fun seriously.



We are a team built on values that are deeply important to us. And a Wolpertinger only works, if all parts are unique and at the same time fulfill a special purpose, finding the right spot to fit into the whole lot.

We believe that games are more than entertainment. Games are interactive media. We communicate to our players via our creations. And we want them to make experiences that stick with them after they finish playing.

As a Wolpertinger, you know your strengths and how to make yourself an important and reliable part of the team. Wolpertingers are curios by nature and interested in a wide variety of things, constantly shape-shifting and presenting themselves in new forms.

Wolpertingers are adventurous. We never stop learning and are never staying in our comfort zone for long. We actively seek out new challenges, constantly striving to make great games for an ever-evolving world.

We make games. But we also apply games and games technology in contexts beyond sole entertainment. Life is hard enough, why not make it more fun?

Most of all, the Wolpertingers are a diverse, regal family of individuals that come together for the purpose of creating and developing "fun" in all its forms. We are proud of our long-term relationships and loyalty of our colleagues and partners. We achieve this by working smart, caring personally and taking responsibility in what we do.

Apply with us! Maybe you are exactly the next Wolpertinger we’re looking for.